We are parsnip
A super easy free way for you to donate to your favourite charity whenever you use your bank card, phone or payment device to pay for things. Your chosen charity wins, and you get rewarded for being amazing!
We put giving at the heart of living.

“Donations from Parsnip users have made it possible for us to change the lives of the people we help"
We genuinely believe in helping people. That’s why when you sign up to the Parsnip donation service, 100% of your donation (and any Gift Aid) goes to your chosen charity

We believe in inclusivity. That’s why you can choose to support any UK charity registered with the charity commissions of England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
We believe that when you do something good, you should get something back too. That’s why we provide up to 7.5% cashback from a selection of retailers to help you save money.
We’ve also run special campaigns that have given Parsnip users 25% cashback on transactions made in Aldi, Boots, Co-op, Go Outdoors, McDonald’s, Sainsbury’s, Starbucks, TFL, The Range, and Waitrose.

We know that sometimes people need a little help to afford the things they want.
This is why we offer a club of benefits and discounts across supermarket shopping, travel, restaurants, and entertainment. We use it ourselves and have each saved over £700 so far this year.
Get started with Parsnip

One of the easiest ways to join Parsnip is by connecting your debit card to the super cool McLEAR payment ring.
Using RingPay by McLEAR to pay is much faster than using a credit or debit card, or even taking out and unlocking your phone. It’s always right there on your finger, ready to go.
It’s been engineered with super strong, hypoallergenic ceramic, making it waterproof, scratch resistant and stress tested so you can wear your ring day in, day out.
When you buy your McLEAR Ring, use code 6B8F9Q25 for 25% OFF !!
We only have 1000 of these so be quick…